On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 14:47:18 -0400, Vishal Gupta wrote:
> We are working on the Kirstone project (yocto)   .It only supports the
> meson build system because of which we are not able to use below smack
> patch.

Libvirt is also using meson. Are you sure it's because of meson?

> https://listman.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2016-June/132187.html
> Please give advice on how to use this patch.

The patch you are linking to is broken. Even the attachment which should
contain the patch file is truncated for some reason.

Additionally the patch supposedly applied to the 2016 code base, so now
6 years later quite a lot things have changed so even if you manage to
apply it somehow it will require rework.

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