On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 09:41:53AM -0600, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 03/24/2011 04:40 AM, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> > -    modify, monitor, control, migrate and stop the domains, within the 
> > limits
> > -    of the support of the hypervisor for those operations. Multiple nodes 
> > may
> > -    be accessed with libvirt simultaneously but the APIs are limited to
> > -    single node operations.</p>
> > +    <p>Now we can define the goal of libvirt: <b> to provide a common and
> > +    stable layer sufficient to securely manage domains on a node, possibly
> > +    distant</b>.</p>
> I think 'possibly remote' reads better than 'possibly distant'.

  right it's about machines not persons :-)

> > +    <p> As a result, libvirt should provide all APIs needed to do the
> > +    management like: provision, create, modify, monitor, control, migrate
> s/management like/management, such as/

  yup, better

> > +    and stop the domains - within the limits of the support of the 
> > hypervisor
> > +    for those operations. Some operations which may be hypervisor specific,
> > +    if needed for domain management should be provided too.
> Yes, it makes sense to document that we don't mind providing
> well-documented hypervisor-specific operations.  But the wording might
> sound better as:
> Not all hypervisors provide the same operations; but if an operation is
> useful for domain management of even one specific hypervisor it is worth
> providing in libvirt.

  Okay, let's make a full clear sentence, to make the point clear :-)

> > Multiple nodes
> > +    may be accessed with libvirt simultaneously but the APIs are limited to
> s/ but/, but/
> > +    single node operations. Node ressource operations which are needed
> s/ressource/resource/
> > +    for the management and provisioning of domains are also in the scope of
> > +    the libvirt API, like interface setup, firewall rules, storage 
> > management
> > +    and in general provisioning APIs.
> s/like/such as/
> s/and in general/and general/
> > Libvirt will also provide the state
> > +    monitoring APIs needed to implement management policies, obviously
> > +    checking domain state but also expose local node resources consumption.
> s/expose local node resources/exposing local node resource/

  much cleanups, thanks !

> >        <li>the API should allow to do efficiently and cleanly all the 
> > operations
> > -    needed to manage domains on a node</li>
> > +    needed to manage domains on a node including resource provisioning and
> > +    setup</li>
> s/node including/node, including/

  thanks for the review, pushed some time ago, just forgot to send that
  mail !


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
dan...@veillard.com  | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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