On Jan 31, 2012, at 6:01 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 02:49:03PM -0600, kmestery wrote:
>> On Jan 30, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Dan Wendlandt wrote:
>>> Hi Kyle!  Funny how we keep bumping into each other...  I hope you're
>>> keeping warm in Minnesota :)
>>> On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 11:22 AM, kmestery <kmest...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dan:
>>>> We at Cisco have been looking at this as well, and in fact were going to 
>>>> propose some things in this area as well. Our proposal (which frankly just 
>>>> builds on top of what you have):
>>> I agree, I think the two proposals are complementary.  Our first goal
>>> was to enable the basic mode of plugging an interface into an OVS
>>> bridge that was created outside of libvirt.  This would require
>>> changes to the <interface> XML only, and would mirror how libvirt
>>> already let's one plug into an existing bridge using <interface
>>> type="bridge">.
>> This makes sense.
>>> The second step would be to also allow libvirt to actually create +
>>> configure the OVS bridges as well.  This I believe would map very
>>> closely to the XML you and Roopa have suggested.  We would need to put
>>> some thought into what of the many configuration options on an OVS
>>> bridge need to be exposed as part of the OVS <network> XML (e.g., how
>>> to configure an OpenFlow controller, etc.).  These are definitely
>>> discussions worth having, but I was hoping to start out with a fairly
>>> clean initial patch to achieve our first goal.
>> OK, this makes sense too.
>>> I do like the idea of using the virtual port construct even in the
>>> initial <interface> only case.  For example:
>>> <interface type='bridge'>
>>> <bridge name='br0'>
>>> <virtualport type="openvswitch">
>>>   <parameters interfaceid='xyzzy'/>
>>> </virtualport>
>>> </interface>
>>> This would seem to create a nice parallel with the model you proposed
>>> where <virtualport> is used with <interface type="network">.   I'm
>>> still not sure whether the "type=openvswitch" should be an attribute
>>> of the <interface>, <bridge>, or <virtualport> element.  Either way, I
>>> think the underlying code will be treating OVS + Linux Bridge as two
>>> different cases, so I believe this is really just a matter of
>>> consistently of presentation in XML.
> Yes, I prefer this design to the initial proposal.
>> I think fundamentally an Open vSwitch bridge is different from a
>> standard Linux, thus the "type=openvswitch" needs to be a part of
>> the <bridge> for sure. I like adding it to the <virtualport> element
>> above.
> NB,  type='bridge' technically refers to the *concept* of bridging
> an interface to a LAN, not the implemntation of Linux software
> bridging. Thus it shouldn't change for OpenVSwitch which is also
> providing bridging to the LAN here.
> Regards,
> Daniel

Dan and I working together to modify the patches in this direction. We'll send 
them out for review once we have them formatted and tested.


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