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which is libvirt-users. This mailing list is for libvirt development
discussions related as well as patches.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Joaquim Barrera <>wrote:

>  Hello everybody!
> I would like to introduce myself, as this is my first contact with libvirt
> mailing list (although I've been reading quite a lot of documentation).
> My name is Joaquim Barrera, from Barcelona, Catalonia. I am a computer
> engineer and recently I joined a research group here in the university. My
> task is related to VM migration and management, and since then (a couple of
> months) I've been trying to figure some things up.
> Now I need to go one step forward, and I would like to set up a nice dev
> environment to try some modifications we want to make to libvirt, such as
> new API or migration-related-stuff.
> Although I am familiar with linux environrment and programming, I am not
> really quite familiar with this kind of, may I say, professional
> development, and there are some issues I need to solve before start
> writting code. Some of this issues you'll find not relevant or newbie
> stuff, but I assure you I tried lots of times before coming here. :-)
> Here is what I got following the instructions in
>       $ ./ --system
>       $ make
> After make finishes I have compiled 1.2.0 libvirt in the source tree, and
> if I execute 'sudo ./run tools/virsh version' I get a this answer:
> *Compiled against library: libvirt 1.2.0*
> *Using library: libvirt 1.2.0*
> *Using API: QEMU 1.2.0*
> *Running hypervisor: QEMU 1.5.0*
> (note that now I need to run virsh with sudo, I don't know exactly why)
> So far, so good. I guess that, with --system flag, 1.2.0 custom libvirt
> uses config files from standard directories such as
> /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf, and if I used a custom directory instead, I
> would have to redefine my VMs, am I right?
> Problems come when I want to use custom 1.2.0 daemon. If I execute "sudo
> service libvirt-bin stop" followed by "./daemon/libvirtd -d", then custom
> virsh gives me this error:
> *error: failed to connect to the hypervisor*
> *error: no valid connection*
> *error: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No
> such file or directory*
> And I need to kill custom daemon and restart 1.1.1 libvirtd to recover
> from this. Any advice?
> Finally (sorry about this large mail), there is one thing that does bother
> me quite a lot.
> Using custom virsh, command history seems to vanish, as I press Arrow-UP
> and I get "^[[A" in the screen, instead of last command used. Tell me,
> please, that this is just some silly config I need to adjust... :_(
> The final comment is, am I following the right direction to be able to
> develop something with libvirt? ^^
> Ok, that's all for now, thank you A LOT for your time.
> Joaquim.
> --
> libvir-list mailing list
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