On 02/24/2014 08:48 AM, Peter Krempa wrote:

> One further thing we should discuss is the block copy job, where we need
> to specify a new path that is not part of the backing chain of the disk
> where the disk gets copied (and efectively becomes the new single
> element of the backing chain). The for this operation has a very similar
> interface which we need to figure out too sooner or later.

For that interface, I wonder if the best approach is to add a new flag.
 By default, when the flag is 0, the new disk string is treated as a
path name in the local file system.  But when the flag is set, the new
disk string is treated as an XML document describing the full <disk>
details, which gives us the full flexibility for a volume within a
storage pool or the full details of a network device such as gluster, or
even a network device that has multiple <host> subelements.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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