On 04/30/2014 10:52 AM, Tomoki Sekiyama wrote:

>> I'd think it'd be better to just allow multiple instances of
>> the arg eg
>>  virsh fsfreeze  --mount <path1> --mount <path2>   <guest>
> the virsh option parser rejects repeated options by
>   error: option --mount already seen
> so I chose comma separated list, which is also used in the
> "undefine --storage" option that takes a list of targets or source paths.
> Do we need to extend the parser to enable the repeated options?

The parser already accepts repeated options (well, precisely ONE
repeated option), by making that option be last in the command
description and giving it .type = VSH_OT_ARGV.  For comparison, see the
echo command in virsh.c or the send-key command in virsh-domain.c.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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