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On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Pat St. Jean wrote:

> Ahhh...  That helps, it makes more sense now...


> >I didn't have to have my attorney read the GPL before I agreed to it,
> >because the GPL is unambiguous.  It says, "You are allowed to use, modify,
> >and redistribute in original or modified form."  It doesn't say anything
> >is 'understood'.  It assumes the end user understands nothing at all, and
> >then proceeds to spell it out.
> Yep, definitely a well written license.  I don't agree with some of it,
> but that's a MUCH different discussion...

That's right.  Regardless of whether you'd license *your* software under
the GPL, when you *use* GPL software, you know exactly what you're getting
into in a legal sense.

> $200/hr?!?!?!  You're getting off cheap!  Seriously.

For a general-purpose attorney, $400 an hour might be more realistic.
I've heard contract attorneys are cheaper.

> But look at it this way.  If there is doubt, even $400 an hour is better
> than the judgement you're likely to have to pay if you do violate the
> terms...

Yes, but if you're an engineering student and that's $400 that you won't
be using to pay your tuition next semester and you don't have any money
to pay a settlement with the vendor, it might be better to employ the
ten-foot pole defense and just not use the software.
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