RMS is going to live to see a world of almost entirely ``free''
    software.  And he's going to get it because Linus Torvalds is better
    at managing developers than he is and because *I* figured out exactly
    how to sweet-talk the suits into buying the freedom.  We two are the
    best allies RMS has ever had

You have certainly contributed a great deal to the development of free
software.  You are doing a lot for a part of the job, but there are
other parts you are not interested in.  Neither you nor Linus is
determined to have and use a completely free system, so we can't rely
on you to campaign for one.

You make arguments of that free software has practical advantages.
They may be valid, in many cases--but there are cases where
proprietary software has practical advantages.  When that happens, you
and Linus are willing to accept non-free software as parts of what you

Those of us who believe free software is a matter of principle
will have to work towards our goal on our own.

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