"Ean R . Schuessler" wrote:
> problems and have fun.  Several years later, you came and wrote a fairly
> interesting paper detailing this process and subsequently took credit
> for it having occured.

Go back and read the paper.  He hasn't taken credit for the movement.  
He has offered to help insiders understand how it works, however.  And
the papers he has published are an attempt to define what makes the whole
thing tick so that an average person (suit?) can understand it. 

There's plenty of things he could take credit for (the hacker dictionary
is one of them - of which I have a well-thumbed copy right here), and infact
has, but the OSS / Free software movement isn't one of them.

> If you want to blame anyone, you can blame Stallman for doing the rain
> dance on faith for years before the shit hit the ground. Or, if you

Richard the Rainman...  that has a nice ring to it. ;^)

Signal 11, BOFH to the UF list and malign.net
"That smells like a skunk," Tom said instinctively.

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