Kenneth Geisshirt said:

> Sorry, typing error. The idea is to force non-educational to publish
> derived work (substitute last not with must, please). GPL can do that, I
> guess, but let us assume that I wish to be more liberal with educational
> institution (they will never compete on the commercial software marked). 

There's quite a lot of cross-polination between educational institutions
and the commercial world.  I don't think you can assume that if you
provide a BSD style license to educational institutions they wont take
advantage of their ability (granted by the license) to provide that
software to commercial institutions.  And given the copious flow of
money, ideas, and personel back and forth accross that line (commercial
vs. educational) I think you'd have a very hard time laying down your
requirements in a license.

IANAL, of course.

obRecomendation: KISS and GPL it.

Jeremy Hankins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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