On Monday 26 July 2004 10:23 am, Leandro Simoes wrote:
> One of them is the possibility to set a online sound warning for a
> specific user, mabe even with a popup screen, just like in icq.

This is possible, albeit not very user friendly.  You can use the on event 
commands in the options... if you want, you can write a script and make it do 
anything that you wish.  Currently in CVS it uses a passive popup window, 
this will be in Licq 1.3.0 which should be released soon.  Or can always use 
the event: (command is artsplay or play.. whatever to play a sound)

<SoundFile> ; xmessage "%a is Online"

> There's something else, but it's not so needed, but i used that
> sometimes in sim. It's an option to check if a specific user is
> invisible.

Well, this is kinda possible in CVS also.. if you send a message to an offline 
user, you can see a reply that says "The message will be delivered when the 
users is online"  But if the user is invisible, you won't see this.  It can 
be improved to send a different event that isn't a message.. so perhaps it 
will be in version 1.3.1


Jon Keating                                                ICQ #16325723
äååéåç                                               GPG ID: 0x2290A71F
emostar on irc.freenode.net

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