On Monday 25 October 2004 08:44 am, Michael Schnick wrote:
> Hello Jon, hello Thomas, dear group! :-)

Hello Michael,

> I haven't been able to convert my old user files from licq-1.2x to 1.30
> until I discovered the RecreateUserList.sh in the stable-version archive
> from your homepage.

The 1.3.0 version includes a method of upgrading automatically without any 
user interaction. You shouldn't need to run any scripts. What process did you 
do you when you upgraded?

> I tried to alter the script and finally got it working...
> I'll append the script inline so you can use it in your next patch.

Thanks, I'll get back with it in a few weeks.. getting ready for some time off 
from work to go back home.


Jon Keating                                                ICQ #16325723
äååéåç                                               GPG ID: 0x2290A71F
emostar on irc.freenode.net

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