Erik Sandberg wrote:
On Wednesday 21 April 2004 17.47, Mats Bengtsson wrote:


I suggest to add some information on the procedures also, unless you
want to be the only one to handle these files. If I find a bug, could
I just upload the file to CVS (I have CVS access) or should I send it to
bug-lilypond first, or ...?
Same goes for status changes, when somebody with CVS access thinks he
has fixed a bug.


All bugs should be posted to bug-lilypond. A person with CVS access (e.g. myself or you) who finds a bug, could add it to the database & send a msg about it to bug-lilypond.

If a bugreport is sent to one of the lists, without being added to the database, then the normal thing would be that I'd add it to the database, and send a "Added this to the bug database" msg to lily-bug.

Anyone else could also add bugs to cvs occasionally, but only if this "added to bug database" msg would be sent immediately. This msg is important because it will immediately stop me from doing the same work.

When it comes to removing bugs: Anyone who thinks he has fixed a bug, should add something like "fixed hwn" to the first line of the bug report. (given that it was hwn who fixed it). I would however be the only one who actually removes the files from the repository; this because I think it's a good idea that someone always should double-check that the bug really was fixed.

Fine! Can you also think about the procedure to acknowledge that the bug has been solved on the mailing list, so the original reporter get's that feedback.


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