File Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely (right):
Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely:89: r4 e8( g <>) ^"sul D" \f
\> \repeat unfold 8 { c-. } r2\!
On 2012/05/10 08:50:38, Trevor Daniels wrote:
Unfortunately, <> is of no help for attaching
the \! to the final note of the repeated section.

Somehow that never bothered me.  Conceptually I think of decrescendos as
continuing through the last note.  (If the rest were longer, though, I
personally would prefer <>\! R1*12 )

There is an example under Dynamics
using a parallel sequence of spacer rests, that shows how to end the
crescendo wherever you want.

Of course a parallel sequence of spacer rests would work here, too, just
it substituted for the other cases of s1*0 in the docs, and like it
could for all the uses by those lazy users whose scores came up in a
search for s1*0 at mutopiaproject.
Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely:89: r4 e8( g <>) ^"sul D" \f
\> \repeat unfold 8 { c-. } r2\!
We might not want an example for <> at all.  This one was an amalgam of
the usage I found on mutopiaproject.  Another way to demonstrate the
text could be
  music = \relative c'' { e16 d c d }
  { f'4 <>\marcato \music r <>^"smorz." \mp \> \music <>\! }

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