Phil Holmes wrote:
> We currently refer to Gardner Read and others in the NR
> under the very sparsely populated Contemporary Music
> section of the NR: 
> It strikes me that this would be better at the end of
> section 1 of the LM: 
> "Further reading", plus adding at the very least Elaine
> Gould's book.  Does anyone disagree?

Personally, I'd prefer to remove all mention of Gardner
Read's book.  Many of his recommendations are not good at
all, and I've found a fair number of them that are just
wrong.  Kurt Stone's book addresses everything that Gardner
Read's book covers, and is much more carefully written, and 
far better for reference, though one or two things might be
a little outdated (like percussion pictograms, which are 
discouraged nowadays).  And yes, by all means, add Elaine
Gould's book; it really should be listed there.  Notice too,
how Gould recommends the Stone book and not the Read one 
(p.655, also p.xiii last paragraph).

Regarding your actual question about listing these in the 
LM, I wouldn't be opposed, though you might consider putting
the list at the end of the "Common notation" chapter

- Mark

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