On 12/10/19 13:28, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>> The standard explicitly says it should not be there, but in
>> /opt/. Also, MacPorts is in /opt/local/ but should have been in
>> /opt/macports/, as it suggests /opt≮provider>/<package>.
> Yes.
>> But on the hand, I have never seen anything installing in /opt/
>> besides MacPorts on MacOS. And also packages are put in /usr/local/.
> Well, that homebrew occupies `/usr/local' is far from optimal.
Bear in mind usr stands for Unix System Resources (allegededly), not
user. And as I understood it, /usr is for distro stuff, /usr/local is
for system-wide stuff that is built locally.

I could be wrong, it's ages since I looked at the FHS :-)


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