Il giorno ven 7 feb 2020 alle 12:45, Trevor <> ha scritto:
The Allura software that we use at SourceForge is also Open Source, I believe.

See <>

I don't know to what extent the SourceForge team have modified this, but if self-hosting is a possibility this should at least be seriously investigated. (Not by me, I should add - at 79 my days of technical involvement are over.)

We'd always intended to migrate Allura to a self-hosted platform, but
no-one seemed willing to put in the effort 5 years ago.

The purpose of changing issue tracker is using an intergated platform like GitLab (code hosting integrated with issue tracker and Continuous Integration). We'd rather avoid self-hosting if possible (even though it's good-to-have-option in case available services are interrupted or change policy).

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