To fool LilyPond into thinking that a note has another duration
than what's actually printed, you could say
c4*2 (a quarter note that lasts for half a bar) or
e2*1/2 (a half note with a quarter note duration).

You may also want to look at the possibilities to select other
note heads, see the example at
and other examples in the same "Regression tests" document.
Also, I recommend to browse through the "Tips and tricks" document,
both of these can be found on the Documentation page of

If you don't want any visible stems, you can make them transparent
\property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t


Samuel Hornus wrote:


I am currently rewriting (with LaTeX) the "book" by Pierre-Yves Hasselin about the
"Understanding and realization of ancient "chording" (I don't know the english word)"

The version I have was written on a typewriter, with music notations drawn by hand.
my version is pretty old (late '70 I would guess).

Most of these music notations do not correspond to "scores" strictly speaking.
(see the attached .ps example).
I'd like to use lilypond to create samples like the one I attached to that email

However I found no way to do this in the documentation of lilypond.
In the attached example, full notes and quarter notes do not mean that one is played
longer than the other (in that example, it means the quarter notes should be "adjusted"
on the piano, using the corrersponding full note as reference)...
So each full note should be vertically aligned with a quarter note (all without
a vertical bar, just the head), as indicated in the example that I have drawn by hand
(see attached file) with xfig.

So the question is : how to do this with lilypond ? !

Thanks in advance,


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