Sat, 28 Feb 2004 12:22:57 -0800, Doug a dit : 

 > Hi:
 > I'm having a problem with markup; the test case is in this letter. I
 > want to put some markup over the first bar, and it's colliding with
 > the fingering marks. See below for the lilypond source.

The `padding' property can usually be used to raise/lower a graphical
object. Markups are TextScript graphical objects. See
to find out what to do in order to solve such a problem. (A solution
is shown below).

 > Also having problems with the \tempo colliding with the fingering
 > marks. Again, see below for source.

 > And, if that's not enough (enough already!), I'd like to have some
 > markup something like ^\markup{ Allegretto \tempo 4 = 80 } where the
 > text and the metronome marking appear on the same line.

You can find here:
the relevant markup commands. An example is shown in the following snippet.

\version "2.1.27"
\score {
   \notes \relative c' {
       \time 2/4 \key d \major
       \set fingeringOrientations = #'(up)
       %% the next markup won't collide with fingerings
       \once\override TextScript #'padding = #2
       b'16-.-1^\markup { Allegretto \tiny \note #"4" #0.7 = 80 }
       d-.-2 fis-.-4 g-.-5 fis-.-4 cis-.-2 fis-.-4 g-.-5
   \paper { raggedright = ##t }

You can also define a \tempo markup command that will be equivalent
to: \tiny \note #"4" #0.7
For instance:

#(def-markup-command (tempo paper props duration-string) (string?)
   "Syntax: \\tempo duration-string
e.g: \\tempo #\"4.\" ==> a tiny dotted quater note"
   (interpret-markup paper props (markup #:tiny #:note duration-string 0.7)))

Then you can write \markup { Allegretto \tempo #"4" = 80 }



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