On 11-Aug-04, at 1:20 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Graham Percival wrote:
I'm not aware of any immediate plans -- that's the primary use of
\once \override #'padding = #'foo
in my scores.

See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2004-08/msg00047.html

For ease of discussion, Jan wrote: | I think that with the new and improved slur code, we now really need | scripts (dynamic symbols, bowing directions, texts) to handle | colissions.

Scripts would be nice, but presumably that would happen post-3.0?

I'd especially like to improve text markups that go with dynamics -- like
"p dolce". Currently I have to either do
d4\p d_\markup{ \italic dolce}
which looks a bit odd, especially with different rhythms, or
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset (foo . bar)
d4\p\markup{ \italic dolce}
which involves a lot of guessing for the values of foo and bar. :(

I mostly use d4_\markup{\dynamic p \italic dolce } which handles the internal alignment neatly.

That works for most things, but not all:

\version "2.3.10"
\score{\relative c''{
c1\> c2\!_\markup{\dynamic p \italic dolce} d4 e

The _\markup{\dynamic x} doesn't line up with other dynamics.
(for those using 2.2.x, add a \notes at the beginning of the example)

Cheers, - Graham

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