The only thing you have to do is to make sure that the Voice context you
use in the monophonic sections is used as one of the voices also of the
polyphonic sections. The reason is that both ends of a slur have to be in
the same Voice context. There are several ways to do this, the main thing
to remember is that a context is uniquely determined by its name, so if you
specify the same name to two contexts, LilyPond will treat them as one and
the same.

I guess that you use the << {...} \\ {...] >> feature in LilyPond to split the
music into separate voices. When you do that, the first of the two Voice
contexts will be called "1" and the second is called "2". So, one solution
to your problem is to name your monophonic context "1" as well:
\context Voice = "1" { c ( e d f | <<{ g ) g g2 } \\ { e4 c c2 } >> ... }
Another solution is to explicitly name one of the voices in the polyphonic
\context Voice = main { c ( d e f | << {c' c c4} \\ \context Voice = main {g4 ) g g2 } >> ...}
Finally, you can skip the \\ construct all together and explicitly create the
contexts you want
\new Voice { c ( d e f |
<< \new Voice {\voiceOne c' c c2} {\voiceTwo g4 ) g g2 } >> \oneVoice

(I don't have access to a running LilyPond here for the moment, so I haven't
tried the examples. However, the idea should be right).


Benjamin Esham wrote:

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Is there any clean-looking way to use slurs that do the following--

- - start in the default (i.e. monophonic) voice and end in a polyphonic voice?
- - start in a polyphonic voice and end in the default voice?
- - start in one polyphonic voice and end in another? (This actually happens in
a Chopin piece I'm typesetting.)

I looked through the mailing list archives, but didn't find a way short of creating
a third voice full of spacer notes for each one of these cases, and that seems like
an ugly solution to me. Does anyone have suggestions? Thanks!

- -- Benjamin D. Esham      {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      }      AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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