[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joshua Kwan) writes:

> The soprano line for a song I'm scoring contains:
>     << { d4 bf c2 d4 bf c } \\
>     { bf4 f f2 bf4 f f } >>
>     r4 
>     << { f' bf, c f, f' } \\
>     { d f, bf d, d' } >>
> When I add lyrics, using
>         \context Lyrics {
>             \lyricsto "soprano" \new Lyrics \sopranolyrics
>         }
> The lyrics stop where the polyphony starts. I have been
> told that this is because each polyphonic voice represents
> a different, anonymous voice, and therefore is not
> processed by \lyricsto at all.

The << { ... } \\ { ... } >> construct creates voices with
names 1, 2, 3 and 4.  You could perhaps rename the soprano
line to 1 (never tried), or use explicit context creation:

<< { one line here } \new Voice { other line here } >>

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