Is it possible to omit \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #x for a sequence of measures/bars?

One can simply override the statement by defining a string for a note.

I have a couple of bars in sequence that should be fingered below that minimumFret. The fingering of the tones of the following bars should again resdtricted above some value. I like to avoid defining the strings for a long sequence of notes.

Thanks for help, regards.

\version "2.19.80"
music = {   \clef "bass_8" b'8(d'8)  fis'8(b'8)  g'8( e'8)  cis'8( e'8) |
              e,,1\4}  % a sequence of bars .... I omitted to keep the example minimized

bass = \stringTuning <e,, a,, d, g,>
\score {
  \context Staff <<
    \transpose c c, \music

  \new TabStaff {
          \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #bass
      \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #7
      \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t

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