On Sun 09 Sep 2018 at 19:23:29 (+0200), Noeck wrote:
> What happens here? What is this stem between the note and the rest?
> \new Staff <<
>   \relative { \voiceOne c'' d e f }
>   \relative { \voiceTwo e' f r2 }
> >>

I thought Question One would be what is \voiceOne doing?

> It can be solved by initializing the voices explicitly.
> \new Staff <<
>   \new Voice \relative { \voiceOne c'' d e f }
>   \new Voice \relative { \voiceTwo e' f r2 }
> >>

So now you're no longer trying to make a chord out of a note and a rest.
(li.ly:2:31: warning: cannot have note heads and rests together on a stem)


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