Maurits Lamers <> writes:

> Hey all,
> I noticed some unexpected behavior when using an acciaciatura on the first 
> note of a piece:
> \version "2.20.0"
> \score {
>   << 
>     \new Staff {
>       \clef treble
>       \new Voice {
>         \acciaccatura { g8 }
>         g1}
>     }
>     \new Staff {
>       \clef bass
>       \new Voice {
>        g1}
>     }
>   >>
> }
> This will cause the second staff to start with a treble clef and immediately 
> after a bass clef.
> Is this intended?

Issue 34.

The manual describes this situation and how to work around it in "grace

Known issues and warnings

A multi-note beamed acciaccatura is printed without a slash, and looks
exactly the same as a multi-note beamed appoggiatura.

   Grace note synchronization can also lead to surprises.  Staff
notation, such as key signatures, bar lines, etc., are also
synchronized.  Take care when you mix staves with grace notes and staves
without, for example,

       \new Staff \relative { e''4 \bar ".|:" \grace c16 d2. }
       \new Staff \relative { c''4 \bar ".|:" d2. }

This can be remedied by inserting grace skips of the corresponding
durations in the other staves.  For the above example

       \new Staff \relative { e''4 \bar ".|:" \grace c16 d2. }
       \new Staff \relative { c''4 \bar ".|:" \grace s16 d2. }

   Please make sure that you use the ‘\grace’ command for the spacer
part, even if the visual part uses ‘\acciaccatura’ or ‘\appoggiatura’
because otherwise an ugly slur fragment will be printed, connecting the
invisible grace note with the following note.

David Kastrup

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