Le 08/04/2022 à 19:12, Riad Abdel-Gawad a écrit :
Hello Lilypond Users,

It's great to be reading the community posts because I've learned a lot.

I wish to insert a semi-flat: it's the flat with a slash through it. I have used \include "arabic.ly <http://arabic.ly>" and \include "het-arabic.ly <http://het-arabic.ly>" for other files that have [Arabic] maqam key signatures. But I wish to insert the semi-flat as accidentals when the maqam modulates but keeps the "g minor" key signature.

I did read the Notation.pdf which explains \dwn as a workaround for inserting semi-flats. I'm not sure if it's because I've set the instruments under a \global command (see all caps file for context [code]). I keep getting error messages and no result: I cannot seem to be able to code the last two "ef" eighth notes (in the violin part) -- at the very end of the example below (and attached)-- to "edb"s, (which would make it semi-flat under the "het-arabic.ly <http://het-arabic.ly>" command).

violin =  \relative c''{
  % Music follows here.
  d1~ d4 c8 d8 ef8 d8 c8 ef8
fs1 ~ fs4 a,8 bf c bf a c bf1~ bf4 fs8 g a g fs8 af |
g'f ef f ef d ef  }

Please accept my highest respectful regards,
Riad Abdel-Gawad

If I have understood your request correctly, you could go for the
not-so-clean but functional:

\version "2.22.1"
\language "english"
\header {
  title = "Quintet"
  subtitle = "for Sout"
  subsubtitle = "for Samir Bendimered and Jan Rzewski"
  instrument = "soprano saxophone, percussion, piano, violin, contrabass"
  composer = "Riad Abdel-Gawad"
  copyright = "2022"

\layout {
  \context {
    \override Accidental.stencil =
    #(lambda (grob)
       (let ((alteration (ly:grob-property grob 'alteration)))
         (if (eqv? alteration -1/4)
               (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'restore-first #f)
                (ly:accidental-interface::print grob)
                (ly:line-interface::line grob -0.18 0.7 1.3 1.65)))
             (ly:accidental-interface::print grob))))

global = {
  \key g \minor
  \time 8/4
  \tempo 4=100

sopranoSax = \relative c'' {
  % Music follows here.

drum = \drummode {
  % Drums follow here.


right = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.


left = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.
violin =  \relative c''{
  % Music follows here.
  d1~ d4 c8 d8 ef8 d8 c8 ef8
fs1 ~ fs4 a,8 bf c bf a c bf1~ bf4 fs8 g a g fs8 af |
g'f ef f eqf d eqf  }

contrabass = \relative c {
  % Music follows here.

sopranoSaxPart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Soprano Sax"
  shortInstrumentName = "S. Sax"
  midiInstrument = "soprano sax"
} \sopranoSax

drumsPart = \new DrumStaff \with {
  \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
  instrumentName = "Drums"
  shortInstrumentName = "Dr."
} \drum

pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
  instrumentName = "Piano"
  shortInstrumentName = "P-no"
} <<
  \new Staff = "right" \with {
    midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
  } \right
  \new Staff = "left" \with {
    midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
  } { \clef bass \left }

violinPart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Violin"
  shortInstrumentName = "Vln."
  midiInstrument = "violin"
} \violin

contrabassPart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Contrabass"
  shortInstrumentName = "Contrabass"
  midiInstrument = "contrabass"
} { \clef bass \contrabass }

\score {
  \layout { }
  \midi { }


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