Hi Jean,

On 01/06/2022 15:24, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

Please give an example.

I’ve gone debugging, and it’s a weird combination of two things that causes the empty page:

\version "2.23.9"

\paper {
  bookTitleMarkup = \markup {
    \vspace #.3

\bookpart { \markup { 1 } }

\tocItem \markup "toc2"
\bookpart { \markup { 2 } }

I don’t understand… in my real-world book, the empty pages were empty, now in this tiny example the second bookpart appears to get duplicated, and this only because the bookTitleMarkup contains _anything_ other than empty \fromproperty calls. Even \markup\null as bookTitleMarkup has the bug (?) occurring.

Best, Simon

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