This is what I use. It same from Simon Albrecht.

That's a standard symbol I know, but that really looks line Henle Verlag to me.



\version "2.23.11"

% left hand/right hand indicators

% from Simon Albrecht

% Note that a single note must be in a chord.

hook =
#(let ((direction? (lambda (n) (= 1 (abs n))))
       (hook-markup #{
         \markup \path #0.175 #'((moveto 0 0)
                                 (rlineto -0.85 0)
                                 (rlineto 0 3))
   (define-event-function (direction on-line) (direction? boolean?)
     (let* ((self-al (if on-line 0.6 0.31))
            (self-al (if (= direction 1) (- self-al) self-al)))
         \tweak self-alignment-Y $self-al
         \tweak extra-spacing-width #'(-.5 . 0)
         \finger \markup \scale #(cons 1 direction) #hook-markup


\score {
    <c''-\hook #DOWN ##f> <d''-\hook #UP ##t>

  \layout {
    \context {
      fingeringOrientations = #'(left)


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