That's certainly an interesting approach. Reminds me of the old SCORE
system. But unless I misunderstood your suggestion, it becomes rather
inconvenient and inefficient for larger scores, particularly if changes
have to be made to the notes later down the line, i.e., having to modify
multiple sets of music just to change a few notes..

On Tue, Jan 31, 2023, 21:42 Michael Werner <> wrote:

> Hi Ahanu,
> I would split things out into some variables, and put the articulations
> into separate contexts. I find it makes things much easier to keep track
> of. For example:
> \version "2.24.0"
> \language "english"
> music = { g8 g g g }
> upArticulation = { g8 g-\upbow g g }
> downArticulation = { g8 g-\upbow g g }
> <<
> \new Dynamics
> \upArticulation
> \new Staff
> \music
> \new Dynamics
> \downArticulation
> >>
> In a Dynamics context the entered music gives the durations, but the note
> heads aren't printed. So once the music is entered and checked, it can just
> be pasted into a new variable and the articulations added as needed.
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 9:22 PM Ahanu Banerjee <>
> wrote:
>> I'm trying to put the same articulation both above and below one note.
>> (My document has one set of bowings above the staff and an alternate set
>> below the staff, and occasionally they both need the same marking.)
>> The workaround I currently have is creating a second voice, which is a
>> bit of a pain. Are there better solutions? Code below.
>> \version "2.24.0"
>> \language "english"
>> { g8 g_\upbow ^\upbow g g % fails
>>   g8 g_\upbow ^\downbow g g % works
>>   % desired output:
>>   << { g8 g_\upbow g g } \\ { s s ^\upbow } >> }
>> Thanks,
>> -Ahanu

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