It seems that the package called  ec-fonts-mftraced wasn't installed
successfully. Try to rerun the installation program, setup.exe, that
will usually help with these kinds of installation problems.


Sterling Sympatico wrote:
Hi everyone,

I was having problems with my fonts in lilypond 2.4.5.  If I created a
file (.ly) and ran lilypond, the resulting .dvi file looked
great.  The title and all text was a nice font.  When I tried using xpdf
and gv to view the pdf and ps files that were also created, the fonts
looked like some typewriter font with poor kerning.


If I run 'dvips file.dvi' I get a beautiful output in .ps.  To get the
same output in pdf, I need to run ps2pdf (dvipdfm does not seem to
translate all the note stems and such - there is probably a method for
calling the correct font file but I am not too concerned right now).

The same goes for lilypond-book... I need to run the dvips command
without the "" option to get the correct results.  This
may be a bug or some documentation that is incorrect with my current
version of lilypond.


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        Signal Processing
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