This is a variation on issue #34 (grace note synchronization) where
\stemNeutral gets ignored in one staff if there's a grace note in the other.

\version "2.25.18"

rightHand = \relative {
  c'1 |
  \grace { c8 } c2

leftHand = \relative {
  \clef bass
  \stemDown f,2 f |
  % \grace { s8 } % <-- uncomment to fix the problem
  \stemNeutral f,8\noBeam f'' c' d

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff \rightHand
    \new Staff \leftHand

The \stemNeutral in the left hand gets ignored unless you use a "spacer
grace note".  This is probably not different enough to post back to the #34
issues page (which has a lot of discussion) but I thought I'd post it here
as it took me a little while to figure out.

Knute Snortum

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