Changing fonts has become so much easier. See

for what it takes to put a Type1 font into LaTeX (let alone into LilyPond) and compare it to dropping the .pfa into ~/.fonts and doing

     #(define fonts
        "Times New Roman" "Helvetica" "Courier"
        (/ myStaffSize 20)))

You're welcome to reinstate the ec fonts as your private defaults, though.

Well, this (I mean reinstating the ec fonts as my private defaults) is what I would like to do, and also asked how this could be done in this list three weeks ago. I got, however, no answer. Could you, or someone else explain how to do it?

I believe in the above code Times New Roman, Helvetica, Courier stand for the serif, sans-serif and fixed width fonts respectively. What should I replace them with to have the ec-fonts as defaults?


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