Thanks.. I'll change it now..


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erik Sandberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: Beginning a piece with tuplets with a grace note or

Citerar Trent Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello again,
> I'm currently typesetting a trio sonata by Locatelli...
> In one movement the the two flutes are in 12/8 time while the Continuo
> is in Common time.
> This is ok I thought I can set the flute parts in tuplets and fake 12/8
> time-signature at the beginning... since essentially this is what the
> composer is doing setting the time signature as 12/8 so the players
> be overwhelmed with triplets everywhere.
> But there is a problem with beginning the first note of the system with
> either a grace note or appoggiatura. I get the first bar with the grace or
> appogiatura but then there seems to be a restart of the systems and the
> resest of the music continues.
> I get the same problem if change the notes to triplet groups as well i.e.
> \times 2/3 {       } etc.
> Platform: Windows XP
> Lilypond Version: 2.7.10
> Is this a bug? or Is there something I need to do?

It's a known bug. It will work if you insert dummy grace notes into the
beginning of each part, i.e.
\grace s8

The problem is that the beginning of part 2 and 3 are done at time 0, while
beginning of part 1 is done 'just before' time 0 due to the grace note; by
inserting dummy grace notes they will all start 'just before' 0.


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