I'm having some line constraint problems with the third line in this piece.  
Lilypond won't let me put the whole measure on one line, although it looks 
like there should be room.  In order for me not to get line constraint error 
messages, I have to put the break where it is or I can't create a break, and 
it's really ugly.  Does anyone have any ideas?
I'm using 2.6.4 on Mandrake 10.1.


\version "2.6.4"
global = 
        \key f \major
        \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f

\header {       
                title = "Holy God"
                subtitle = ""
                tagline = ""   
                poet = ""
                composer = "Feofanovskoye"      

#(set-global-staff-size 15)
#(set-default-paper-size "a5")

upperOne = 
        \relative c'{
        \set Timing.timing = ##f
        \key g \major
        g'8 g2 \bar "||"
        g4 g8 fis8( g a g4.) \bar "|"
        b4 b8 a( b c) b4. \bar "|"
        d4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar ":|"
        g8 \bar "" \break g g4. fis \bar "|"
        fis8 fis g4 g8 g g4. \bar "|"
        d'4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar "||"
upperTwo =  
        \relative c'{
        \set Timing.timing = ##f
        e8 e2
        e4 e8 dis( e f e4.)
        g4 g8 fis( g a) g4.
        b4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.
        e8 e e4. dis!
        dis!8 dis e4 e8 e e4.
        b'4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.

lowerOne =      
        \relative c' {
        \set Timing.timing = ##f
        \key g \major
        b8 b2
        b4 b8 b4.~ b4.
        d4 d8 d4. d
        d4.~ d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.
        b8 b b4. b
        b8 b b4 b8 b b4.
        d4. d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.

lowerTwo =   
        \relative c {
        \set Timing.timing = ##f
        e8 e2
        e4 e8 b4.( e)
        g4 g8 d4. g
        g4. d4 d8 g d e b b b_\markup { repeat three times } e4.
        e8 e e4. b
        b8 b e4 e8 e e4.
        g4. d4 d8 g d e b b_\markup { repeat original melody } b e4.

firstverse = \lyricmode {
         A -- men.
         Ho -- ly God,
         Ho -- ly Might -- y,
         Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us
         \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 "Glory to the 
Father and 
to the Son and to the" Holy Spi -- rit,
         \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 "now and ever and 
ages" of a -- ges.  A -- men.
         Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us.

        \context ChoirStaff<<
                \context Staff = "upper" 
                        \clef treble
                        \context Voice = "one" \upperOne
                        \context Voice = "two" \upperTwo 
                \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics {
                \context Staff = "lower" <<
                                        \clef bass
                                        \context Voice = "one" \lowerOne
                                        \context Voice = "two" \lowerTwo

\layout {
                        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"

\midi { \tempo 4=66 }                   

\paper {
        topmargin = .0\in
        leftmargin = .1\in
        linewidth = 4.5\in 
        indent = 0
        printpagenumber = ##f

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