On 11/21/05, Simon Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> i'm trying to shift RehearsalMarks which occur at line breaks further to the
> left, so they are more aligned with the key signature rather than with the 
> first
> note of the music in that line.
> i thought it would work like this, but it sets the extra-offset property for 
> all
> RehearsalMarks.
> my lily file:
> %###
> #(define (mark-callback grob)
>   (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'extra-offset '(-3 . 0)))
> \version "2.7.17"
> \score {
>   \relative c'' {
>     \override Score.RehearsalMark #'before-line-breaking = #mark-callback
>     \repeat unfold 4 c2 \mark \default
>     \break
>     c2 c \mark \default
>     c2 c
>   }
> }
> %###
> is there a ly:<function> which is the equivalent of \once \override?

Hi Simon,

I don't have an answer to the rehearsal marks question, and I'm
interested in asking the LilyPond gurus a generalization of your

Are there currently any implementation plans for idiomatic Lily input
syntax to explicitly align marks and markup explicitly with nonmusical
characters such as:

* key signatures (per Simon's question)
* time signatures
* barlines


Seems like many traditional scores left-align any score-initial
textual indications with the time signature (rather than with the
music), which I think right now must be approximated with extra-offset
and friends.

(Barline-alignment of markup interests me because I usually datestamp
the end of my own scores with some stuff that right-aligns with the
double bar.)

Maybe something like:

   \time 5/4\markup {"Allegro assai"}


   \key a \major\markup {"spettrale"}


   \bar\markup {"Austin, 2004."}


Or possibly markup alignment to these score elements is already
possible and I've just not looked carefully enough?

> p.s: i tried subscribing to this list earlier today, and have received no 
> email
> requesting confirmation yet (almost 3 hours later)? are all new subscriptions
> first forwarded to the list admin for validation?

This mail certainly made it out just fine; sometimes it takes a bit to
get a response but one will usually show up within a day or two
(except over weekends, when the list is slower.)

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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