On Tue, 22 Nov 2005, Bernard Hurley wrote:

Does LyX work with windows? Maybe with cygwin?

There is a port of LyX for windows. Not being a windows user, I can't say how well it works, but I've been pleased with its performance on Linux. Info on the windows port can be found onthe following sites:


If so I have some scripts for integrating LyX with Lily. It's all a bit experimental at the moment, so I am a bit wary of releasing it, but it works for me. If you think it might help I can gather all the bits together and add some instructions, but I won't have time to do this till Friday


I'd be personally curious to try this out if you're willing to share it. Lilypond integration (or the lack thereof) is the only thing that has kept me from using LyX or Kile. For some reason I always seem to return to Emacs :)


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