Did you see the example at the end of  "7.3.7 More stanzas"?
I guess what you need is not necessarily "Voice context composed
of two consecutive Voice context", you just need them to be in
the same stave (i.e. in the same Staff context), right?


David Talmage wrote:

Simon Bailey <binabik <at> gmail.com> writes:
hi, On 12/4/05, David Talmage <talmage <at> acm.org> wrote:
Would someone please send me an example of how to do this? In spite of
the manual and searching through the archives, I can't figure it out.
the manual is quite clear on this issue -- try section 6.7.2 Repeat Syntax.

Thanks for the suggestion. I read that part of the manual before I posted my question and you're right that it's quite clear. I'm using the volta for the repetition in the chorus. With a bit of fiddling about, I've been able to make the verse lyrics line up with the verse music and the chorus lyrics line up with the chorus music. But I'm unable to make all of it appear on the same staff. Is there a way to concatenate staves or join two bits of music together? It seems to me that I need a Voice context composed of two consecutive Voice contexts. verse = \relative c'' { verse music } chorus = \relative c'' { \repeat volta 2 { chorus music } \alternative { {chorus ending 1} {chorus ending 2} } final notes of the song } verseI = \lyricmode { verse 1 lyrics } verseII = \lyricmode { verse 2 lyrics } chorusI = \lyricmode { chorus 1 lyrics } chorusII = \lyricmode { chorus 2 lyrics } \score { << \context Voice = mel { \autoBeamOff \verse } \new Lyrics \lyricsto mel \verseI \new Lyrics \lyricsto mel \verseII \context Voice = chor { \autoBeamOff \chorus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto chor \chorusI \new Lyrics \lyricsto chor \chorusII >> ... }

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