     First of all, thanks to the developers for providing this great piece of software. Now, I've searched this forum, Google, the documentation, etc, and I have not found any answers to this questions:
     First, how can I put a double bar ( "||" ) at the beginning of my score?
     Second, how can I set the linewidth for only the last line? I tried raggedlast but it looks ugly. Can I use percentages?
     Here is the .ly file:
\version "2.6.4"

\book {

\score { { \clef "G_8" \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 g'4 a'4 g'4 f'4 e'4 \break
d'4 c'4 b4 a4 g4 f4 e4 d4 \clef "F_8" c4 b,4 a,4 g,4 f,4 e,4 d,4 c,4 \break
d,4 e,4 f,4 g,4 a,4 b,4 c2 \bar "||" } \header { piece = "CM" } }


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