On 14-Jan-06, at 7:21 PM, Trent Johnston wrote:

Would it be possible tell lilypond to spread the total bars and number of lines specified by the user and then evenly spread those lines and staves over the page. I've used PMX / MTX which allows the user to tell the program to spread the music over a number of systems on a number of pages.

 What I am suggesting is that the user when looking at their layout might suggest that an extra line would better fill out their score. ie. If a score of 2 pages the user notices that there are five lines or music on the first page and 4 on the second they can then ask lilypond to layout out the music over 10 lines / 5 for each page so that the score appears even.

There are some new developments about layout in the 2.7 series; take a look at the NEWS document for it. It's not what you're asking about, but they _do_ provide more options.

You can force lilypond to typeset a certain number of bars per line (and lines per page) by using \break and \newpage, but I really think it's best to leave it up to lilypond. I specify betweensystemspacing and raggedbottom (sometimes I want it, sometimes I don't), but other than that I've found it best to leave it up to lilypond. Occasionally I specify a \newpage for page turning reasons (ie there are a few bars of rest, so the page break *must* be there).

- Graham

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