On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 21:13:12 +0200
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The basic ideas are described in the section on Polymetric Notation
> in the manual. The trick is to typeset the time signature using
> text markup commands, where it is easy to insert also note symbols.

Ah, I hadn't looked there yet. Anyway, when I try to compile
thefollowing snippet:

% create 2/4 + 5/8
tsMarkup =\markup {
  \number {
    \column { "2" "4" }
    \musicglyph #"scripts.stopped"
    \bracket \column { "5" "8" }

  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'text = #tsMarkup
  \time 3/2
  c'2 \bar ":" c'4 c'4.

I get a compilation error:

GNU LilyPond 2.7.28
Processing `gezang75.ly'
Parsing...<unnamed port>: In expression ly:textinterface::print:
<unnamed port>: Unbound variable: ly:textinterface::print

I suppose the line
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
is supposed to make liypond print the new time signature ins stead of
the standard one. Why doesn't it work for me? Wrong version?


>    /Mats
> Quoting Jos Smeets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am typesetting a score which has a non-standard time signature in
> > the original. E.g. for 4/2 it has a half note symbol in the
> > denominator instead of the number 2. So, it is like using
> > TimeSignature "single-digit", but with the digit shifted up a bit
> > and a not symbol underneath it. Is it possible to do this in
> > Lilypond?
> >
> > (I'm using 2.7.28 on Linux.)

Jos Smeets/Quixote, Deventer, The Netherlands

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