Graham Percival wrote:
Yes, read the manual, 8.1.3 Text marks:
To print the mark at the end of the current line, use

\override Score.RehearsalMark
  #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible

I don't know why end-of-line-visible doesn't work, but since it isn't mentioned in the manual, I don't think it's a serious problem.
end-of-line-visible is mentioned here.

None of the break-visibility properties had any effect as long as I was doing
   \override RehearsalMark
but they all had an effect (including end-of-line-visible) when I specified the following:
   \override Score.RehearsalMark

In hindsight, this is semi-obvious, since before I was inside either the Staff or Voice context.

Graham, as always, thanks for your response.


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