Hi Graham,

What I'm missing currently in the docs is a section about organ music. There are some instrument-specific things that can be discussed in such a section. I'm willing to help with that, but I have very little spare time.

So I was thinking of a method to make contibuting to the docs more easy. Perhaps it's a good idea to set up a wiki for the docs. I believe there is a lilypond plugin for wikis, to make it easy to post comments and their results. We could start by only adding some new topics and then gradually move more and more topics from the old docs to the wiki. After some time we end up with the full documentation in a wiki. Since wikis have a versioning system built in, we could use that to keep info for older versions of Lily available.

I think there are many benefits for using a wiki instead of the way the documentation is done now. I think it's more easy for the editor, because he doesn't have to add all contibutions manually, he only has to edit them. Another benefit is that we don't have to wait until a new version of Lilypond is built for new documentation to come available on-line. A third benefit is that the documentation does not depend on one or a few persons any more.

I hope you want to consider my suggestions. As I said, I don't have much time, but I'm willing to help in the few moments I have. I have some experience with setting up a wiki. And for the documentation itself: I play the organ as an amateur, so I know a low about organ and also choral music notation.

Best regards,
Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The Netherlands

On 4/14/06, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Hi all,

I'm getting a bit overwhelmed working on the documentation, so I'm
asking for help.  I've posted a list of tasks to the -devel mailist.
Some of them require very little previous knowledge of LilyPond, and
are actually a great way to learn.  You can read them here:

Apart from those tasks, I have on more request: please don't forward an
email from -user to -devel or the bug mailist with the message "you
should improve the docs in this area".  If you think an email contains
important information or clarification of the documentation, please
take the time to propose *exact* changes to the documentation.  If you
are personally involved in the discussion, then you probably know more
about this area than I do.  This is certainly true if the issue
involves anything that is covered in Chapter 7 Instrument-specific

Finally, some background about me: I'm just a normal user.  In August
2004, I volunteered to become Documentation Editor, because I speak
English as a first language and have some time to contribute.  I didn't
program LilyPond, nor do I have any special training in music
publication.  I play cello and viola at a high level (as a university
undergraduate performer); my knowledge about printed music comes from
reading music.  I have seen a lot of string music, and some orchestral
scores, but I have very little knowledge of vocal music, piano, guitar,
and the like.  If you play any of those instruments -- anything which
is in Chapter 7 -- then I practically guarantee that you know more
about using LilyPond to create music for those instruments.

For information about proposing changes to the docs, see

- Graham

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