On 15-Apr-06, at 7:39 AM, Geoff Horton wrote:

this is not much of a problem because a zip file is as easy to generate as a tarball. but just for the record, if windows users want to be able to extract files in tarballs and other formats as well they can use the
free program 7-zip:

I know. I use it. But is Joe Average who just wants to get some music
set going to have it? Perhaps if the choice is to stick with tarballs,
a link should be placed on the page to the 7-zip site (or some other
appropriate site). But I am rather opposed (not that I have any say in
the matter) to making people download extra programs, no matter how

Woah, this got out of hand.  :)

Just to completely clarify, my comment about making a tarball available was aimed at people working on the docs, but who are not comfortable compiling the docs from CVS. I think there are three people in this category, and if this would be useful for them, I'll supply it in whatever format they want. These are not intended for normal users.

- Graham

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