I spotted a few details:

- The line \context Lyrics = sopranoOne \lyricsto sopranoOne \new Lyrics \sopOneWords first creates a Lyrics context named "sopranoOne" but then it immediately creates an anonymous Lyrics context which hosts
 the actual words, so the one named "sopranoOne" is never used.
 What you want is
\context Lyrics = sopranoOne \lyricsto sopranoOne \sopOneWords

- You want the two voices to appear in the same staff, right?
Then you have to enclose them in double brackets to tell LilyPond that the two should happen in parallel:
\context Staff = soprano <<
 \context Voice = sopranoOne { \voiceOne \sopOneMusic }
 \context Voice = sopranoTwo { ... }


Quoting Sterling Sympatico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi again,

I am trying to do the following for a soprano line that splits (div) 2x
and the second division has each part singing different lyrics with
different melisma.

I wonder if the following setup will work as I have yet to have success:

sopOneMusic \context Voice = "sopranoOne" { s1*14 one or two notes at the
second division with silence filling all bars on either side s*14 }

sopOneWords \lyricmode { words at the second division - really only one
vowel held for a few beats }

sopTwoMusic \context Voice = sopranoTwo" { all unison and second
soprano parts including both soprano parts at first division }

sopTwoWords \lyricmode { all unison and second soprano words except for at the 2nd division }

altoMusic etc...

altoWords etc...


other parts (five percussion and piano (two hands)


\score { <<
        \context ChoirStaff <<
                \context Lyrics = sopranoOne \lyricsto sopranoOne \new Lyrics
                \context Staff = soprano
                \context Voice = sopranoOne
                        { \voiceOne \sopOneMusic }
                \context Voice = sopranoTwo
                        { \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \set
                        Staff.instrument = " Soprano " \set Staff.instr = " Sop
                        " \voiceTwo \sopTwoMusic }
                \context Lyrics = sopranoTwo \lyricsto sopranoTwo \new
                        Lyrics \sopTwoWords
                \context Voice = alto
                        { \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \set
                        Staff.instrument = " Alto " \set Staff.instr = "
                        Alt " \altoMusic }
                \context Lyrics = alto \lyricsto alto \new Lyrics


percussion and piano here



Everything prints out pretty well except that the sopOneWords, which I
hoped would print above the staff very briefly (only for a few beats at
the second div) don't show up.

I am guessing that I am missing some syntax somewhere.

Version 2.6.3 Debian "testing" here.

Thanks again for any help,

Sterling MacNay

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