
I also tried several possibilities for input. I came to Noteedit and emacs. 
Noteedit helps me entering the notes and creates a basic output file for 
lilypond. Try the newest SVN Version of Noteedit, lilypond export was 
improved and very soon a "direct-printing" option will be available (see 
Noteedit developers list). 
I also head problems using jedit on linux. With Windows XP jedit works 
But since I got some experience on Emacs I don't want to miss Emacs anymore. I 
open my ly-file created by Noteedit and to add details like fingering, Text 
markups, page layout etc.

For me combining a gui with a powerful editor is the best way. And emacs needs 
some time because many options are not common (especially keyboard shortcuts) 
but in my opinion it is worth getting known to it.

Greetings from Germany


Am Samstag, 29. April 2006 16:23 schrieb Eyolf Ostrem:
> Which frontends do yo all use for lilypond? Here's the ones I've tried out
> so far, with my experiences - some bad, some good:
> 1. NoteEdit.
> I like the way one can just input bare, basic notation, and the
> configurability. I've also come to like the way the keyboard input works,
> at least after I redefined all the keys to something that suits me (note
> names in sequence and not their alphabetical values; durations likewise:
> 1/4 note should be between 1/8 and 1/2, not set to 4, 8 and 2; all the
> modifiers should be accessible to the "duration" hand without having to
> move around, etc).
> however: I haven't found a keyboard shortcut for \breve and \longa -
> essential if one writes a lot of renaissance music. Also, It would have
> been nice if one could generate a lilypond output on the fly, of whatever
> one has written in, without having to go through the process  of exporting,
> opening the file, copy-pasting into the "real" document, etc.
> Also, I miss things like a default score setup, a snippet/templates
> library, a menu for inserting more specific lilypond commands (but I
> realize it's not only a lilypond frontend, so that's probably too much to
> ask).
> But all in all, it's so far my favorite frontend - not for generating whole
> scores, but for entering the music which I can then paste into another text
> file.
> 2. Rosegarden.
> I had hopes for this program, but most of them have been thrashed. The
> keyboard input mode is hopeless, with the fixed positions, relative to the
> key, which means (as far as I have found out), that if you write a piece in
> b major, there is no way one can insert notes with the keyboard below the
> middle line in a staff with a treble clef.
> There are other gripes too, but this is enough to make it useless for me.
> 3. Jedit + LilyPond plugin
> Looks very promising, but apparently there's something wrong with my java
> setup, because if I try to do anything more than the most basic text input,
> I get errors and nothing happens.
> 4. Denemo
> From the looks of it, it seems to have what I want from NoteEdit, but I've
> never been able to test it out properly, because it crashes all the time.
> Might have to do with my locale settings, which it doesn't like, but I'm
> not sure.
> The emacs mode - I haven't tried it out, but from what I've read, it also
> looks very promising. Is that something I should invest some more time in?
> I want a plain tool which can quickly insert notes through the keyboard,
> preferably also with sounding output, but without straying too far from the
> text mode of the basic ly-file.
> Have I missed anything?
> Eyolf Østrem

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