Great! This topic was brought up right in time. I was about to post one 
similar. In the past I had sent the attachment (shapednotesnew.pdf) to 
Han-Wen, and I would like to request some changes to the shaped notes 
-> The half-notes (minims) in many shaped notes songbooks have one or more 
sides that are thicker in order to match more with the style of the normal 
half note. 
-> I'd like to see the whole note (semibreve) the same size as the half 
note, like a stemless half note. This style is common in many songbooks, 
even in Southern Harmony. The normal semibreve in feta font has sizes that 
are too thick to be matched with the other shapes. So my suggestion would be 
to make it just like the normal half-note. This change should only happen, 
of course, when the score is in shaped notes, otherwise the semibreve should 
have the same (beautiful) design as usual. 

I'd like to sponsor these changes, if I can afford them, and if nobody is 
against it. 
Here's a link to an old shaped-note songbook page. Notice that the size of 
the semibreves (whole-notes) are just the same as the minims (half-note):

And here is another link about shaped-notes that offer a True Type font with 
shaped notes. The design of the half notes are like the one I'm proposing: 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Monk Panteleimon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Cc: <> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 4:17 PM 
Subject: Re: shape notes 

> Monk Panteleimon wrote: 
>> Dear Lilypond users, 
>> Somehow the SacredHarpHeads have gotten very small in 2.8. The regular 
>> notehead (the one called #f in is normally sized, of 
>> course, so one can't simply globally adjust notehead size or one ends up 
>> with big fat "sol" noteheads. Is there a way to get the shaped heads to 
>> normal size while leaving the standard #f head as it is? 
>> BTW, the sequence of shapes for the Sacred Harp four-shape system is 
>> wrong in In it goes : (#f #f mi #f fa 
>> #f) 
>> But it *should* go (fa #f la fa #f la mi). That's the Sacred Harp system. 
>> What lilypond has goes "sol sol mi sol fa la sol." Very funny scale, 
>> Muchas Gracias. 
>> Fr. P 
> I compile Lilypond instead of using GUB, and I apply the attached patch 
> to make shape-notes wider.  They are a bit narrower than 2.7, but 
> considerably wider than 2.8.  It would be nice if the width of the 
> shaped heads could be tuned within a .ly file, but right now I don't 
> have any disposable cash to make that happen. 
> Both 4-shape and 8-shape scales have noteheads exactly as wide as the 
> round noteheads in all published sources I can find.  I can send scans 
> if you like.  An online example can be found here: 
> --d 

Attachment: shapenotesnew.pdf
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