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Hello all,

A novice user here, although delighted with what I've discovered so far
in Lilypond.  Half as a joke, when first fiddling around I decided to
ask for a 7/10 time signature, and found it not just accepted but
correctly interpreted!  So, much fun.

Anyway, I've encountered a number of issues I'm hoping people can help
with.  Please forgive me if it's "simple" stuff I should have worked out
from the documentation.

Attached is part of a piece I'm trying to notate in Lilypond.  These are
the problems (there are others in another piece I'm trying to notate,
but I'll discuss that in a separate email):

(1) I've decided I want flat beams in this piece---it just seems to look
better, and give a better feel of the rhythmic structure.  As you can
see I've put in the line

\override Beam #'slope-limit = #0

which I found in the mailing list archives, but this generates the
following error:

warning: can't find property type-check for `slope-limit'
(backend-type?).  perhaps a typing error?

So, what's wrong?

(2) In the second bar, you can see that there are sometimes rests in one
voice while the other voice is playing.  What I want is, first, that the
rests be invisible, but second, that there be short stems where the
"notes" (or rests) would be.  I tried using s (as in "skip") but did not
get any beams or stems.

I note too that even as they are the rests appear to be oddly placed,
that is, in the "normal" position on the staff rather than offset up or
down according to whether they are in voice one or two.  Is there a way
of dealing with this (for future reference where I may *want* rests in
the different voices)?

(3) Is it possible to get alternative quarter-tone symbols?  In
particular I don't like the 3/4-flat sign; I'd much rather have the
combined backwards-flat plus ordinary flat "db" sign.  In other pieces I
might want to use accidentals-with-arrows as sometimes that seems to be
a preferable option.

Many thanks in advance for any advice, and for this fascinating piece of

    -- Joe

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\version "2.8.5"

\header {
        title = "København Ø"
        composer = "Joseph Rushton Wakeling"

lentocantabilelontano = \markup { \note #"8" #1 = 63 \hspace #0.1 \bold{lento, 
cantabile lontano e rubato} }

clarinetNotes = {
        \clef treble
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
        \override Beam #'slope-limit = #0
        \time 3/4
        \once \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t
        \tempo 8=63
                \relative c''' { bes4~(^\lentocantabilelontano bes16 ces8 
bes16~ bes8) } \\
                \relative c' { ees8~\ppp \times 2/3 { ees8 fis16~ } fis16 g8 
ees16~ ees8 }
        r16 ees'''(\pp_\markup{\italic{dolce}}
                \relative c''' { \oneVoice \times 2/3 { c16-- b4) \voiceOne 
f16~ } f8.([ r16] r32[ d'16.]) }
                \new Voice="1" { \voiceTwo
                        \relative c' { s4 r16[\ppp eeseh8 b'16]~ b32[ fis16.] }


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