On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 03:42:00PM -0700, Thomas J. Webb wrote:
> I have a question. I'm new to LilyPond, so feel free to laugh histerically at 
> this question's naivete:
> I'm trying to create sheets that are *automatically* sized just to fit the 
> contents, so it's meant for web-viewing, not print. Does anyone have any 
> ideas? I've been hunting through the manual to no avail. I know I can do 
> trial and error to get the right size, but that's not what I'm after. I want 
> to be able to automatically (say, from a script) generate images of notes, 
> rather than full sheet music. Is there any way to know the height of the 
> contents without digging into LilyPond's code?
Ha ha ha!! 

I mean,

Of course! This is one of LilyPond's specialities, but it's not done
quite the way you'd expect.

Have a look at Section 13 of the manual, 'lilypond-book--integrating
text and music.' Easy!

If you do have any problems let us know. It would also help to know
about your operating system and which version of lilypond you run, as
well as how you installed it. 

Hope this helps.


Cameron Horsburgh



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