This time, I'm afraid it's your own fault. Since you didn't specify any
duration on the first note of the triplet, it inherits the duration from the previous note, i.e. you get a 32nd note. Moving the 8 to the first note of the
triplet fixes it:

     \repeat "tremolo" 4 {gis32( b32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { g32(
b32)\< } \times 2/3 {a'8[ cis''\! f'']} \times 2/3 { b'[ dis g] } |


Palmer, Ralph wrote:

Hi -

I'm running LilyPond under Windows XP SP2.

I asked the list recently about a problem with beaming on an
acciaccatura following a tremolo. Apparently that's a bug that's been
fixed in 2.9.

Now I have a problem with a note following another set of tremolos. In
my music, I have a similar set of tremolos earlier, with no problem. The
only structural difference I can see is that the problem tremolos are
followed by a tuplet. The problem is two-fold: 1) how can I get the
first note in the first triplet to print correctly; and 2) whether or
not I can solve #1, how can I get the length of the measure correct? Is
this a known bug? Here is the problem section, and the log file:


\version ""
Music = {
     \clef treble
     \key c \major
     \time 4/4

     \repeat "tremolo" 4 {gis32( b32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { g32(
b32)\< } \times 2/3 {a'[ cis''8\! f'']} \times 2/3 { b'[ dis g] } |
     des'''16( c''') aes'' f'' des''( c'') aes' f' c'8 r aes'32( g'
ges' f' e' ees' d' des' \bar "||"
     d'4->) r dis'''2:8\ff-> |


\score {

End of Snippet

Log file:

# -*-compilation-*-
Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My
Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog'
Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet
Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section'
Interpreting music... C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet
Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section warning:
barcheck failed at: 15/16
     \repeat "tremolo" 4 {gis32( b32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { g32(
b32)\< } \times 2/3 {a'[ cis''8\! f'']} \times 2/3 { b'[ dis g] }
Preprocessing graphical objects... Calculating line breaks... [3][4]
Calculating page breaks...
Layout output to `section'...
Converting to `section test.pdf'...

End of log file.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Ralph Palmer
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

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        Signal Processing
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