I have written a very simple Lilypond engine for TeXShop, which you may 
find here:


Maybe this can help.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Michael J Millett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know this doesn't help, but I have had the same problems trying to  
> get LP to work with Mac TeXShop. I have read the manual over and over,  
> searched other sites, and tried everything I can think of.  But I must  
> be missing something because I haven't been able to get it to work,  
> either. So, I am very curious about the solution. I'm glad you asked  
> the question.
> Michael
> On Sep 16, 2006, at 6:38 AM, Peter O'Doherty wrote:
> > I have been using lilypond for some time now, much to my satisfaction  
> > and without problems.
> >
> > Recently, I have also started using LaTex (on TeXShop) and have been  
> > trying to use lilypond-book, without succes.
> >
> > My problem is really a beginner's one I guess as my experience with  
> > LaTex is limited. 
> >
> > If I use the example given here:
> > http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.6/Documentation/user/lilypond/An-example- 
> > of-a-musicological-document.html#An-example-of-a-musicological- 
> > document
> > and simply paste the following into an new empty LaTex document
> >
> > \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
> >      \usepackage{graphics}
> >      \begin{document}
> >      
> >      Documents for @command{lilypond-book} may freely mix music and  
> > text.
> >      For example,
> >      
> >      \begin{lilypond}
> >      \relative c' {
> >        c2 g'2 \times 2/3 { f8 e d } c'2 g4
> >      }
> >      \end{lilypond}
> >      
> >      Options are put in brackets.
> >      
> >      \begin[fragment,quote,staffsize=26,verbatim]{lilypond}
> >        c'4 f16
> >      \end{lilypond}
> >       
> >      \end{document}
> >
> > and click "Typeset LaTex", I get the following error:
> > --------------------------
> > This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.4-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5)
> >  \write18 enabled.
> > entering extended mode
> > (./Untitled-2.tex
> > LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
> > Babel <v3.8d> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german,  
> > ngerman, d
> > utch, italian, norsk, portuges, spanish, swedish, nohyphenation,  
> > loaded.
> > (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/base/article.cls
> > Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
> > (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/base/size10.clo))
> > (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty
> > (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/graphics/trig.sty)
> > (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.cfg)
> > (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/graphics/pdftex.def))
> > (./Untitled-2.aux)
> > (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/context/base/supp-pdf.tex
> > ! Undefined control sequence.
> > l.9      \relative
> >                    c' {
> > ? loading : Context Support Macros / PDF (2004.03.26)
> > )
> >
> > ! LaTeX Error: Environment lilypond undefined.
> >
> > See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
> > Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
> >  ...                   
> >                      
> > l.8      \begin{lilypond}
> >                      
> > ?
> > --------------------------
> >
> > Therefore, it's telling me that the lilypond environment is  
> > undefined. Can someone help me here? 
> >
> > Secondly, I happend upon Nicola Vitacolonna's site where she provided  
> > the following information:
> >
> >
> > Lilypond is a very good music notation software, which can also be  
> > used with LaTeX. Put Lilypond.engine, Lilypond-LaTeX.engine and  
> > convert-ly.engine into your Library/TeXShop/Engines folder to run  
> > lilypond, lilypond-book and convert-ly, respectively, within TeXShop  
> > (you need to remove the .txt suffix, to make the scripts executable  
> > and to customize the LILYPONDFOLDER variable in the above files to  
> > match your Lilypond installation path). Unfortunately,  
> > pointing-and-clicking on a note will open your source file in the  
> > Lilypond application (point-and-click is not compatible with TeXShop).
> >
> > However, this does not work, as I get the error:
> >
> > "/Users/peter/Library/TeXShop/Engines/Lilypond-LaTeX.engine does not  
> > have the executable bit set."
> >
> > Does anyone have experience with the method?
> > Many thanks,
> > Peter

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